Yesterday’s Dream, Today’s Reality?
“I have a Dream that one day, my children will be judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character”
–Martin Luther King, Jr.
Shall we in return say–We are living Dr. King’s dream? Seeing a man being judged for the content of his character as opposed to the color of his skin? The thought of blacks rising from the seemingly forced inferior position up the social ladder once seemed not only impossible but also often dangerous. Today, we can all agree that seeing a black candidate as a possible president shows how that gap is getting closer. In my opinion, whether Barack Obama wins the election or not, does not deter from the fact that history has already been made. We are fortunate enough to be around in an era where double standard is broken during the same year-a black man and a woman are fighting for the White House. I did not have much interest in the political side for the longest time. This year however, I found myself switching between channels and writing special biographical show times in my planner to ensure that I get exposed to a fair amount of the candidates’ background. Obama is what is considered “A True African” by many since his father is a native of Kenya.
One of the shows I watched was a special called “What’s in it for us?” on BET-us being the black population. This segment interviewed both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama at different sessions about where they stand in the candidacy, what their qualifications are and most importantly what they have planned specially for minorities and black people. It was interesting to listen to their responses. Both parties were asked about the influence of hip-hop/rap music on children and young minds and what their feelings are towards such culture. Obama admitted to listening to a lot more rap music lately. He also mentioned that if this form of music appreciated our women more and spoke about the accomplishment they have made, perhaps the minds of young people will live up towards those positive ideals and role models. On the other hand, Hilary was asked “Are you black enough?” The optimist candidate started her answer by laughing. But on a more serious note she answered, “I don’t just talk the talk but walk the walk too.” She attributed the support she is receiving from black leaders and individuals to her contribution and effort towards positive movements she was involved in during her 30 some odd years in politics-her way of saying I have been around black people and can relate.
So, despite who wins the election in the end, this presidential election has already marked its civilization and progression in history by challenging untouched territory. It would not be a fair statement to say that racial and sexual discriminations have completely evaporated from our world, however, major phenomenons such as this election is certainly closing the gap even more-helping us realize one more of Dr. King’s dreams.
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