Op-Ed: The New Era in American Democracy
After forty four years blacks had been given a chance to vote by the Lyndon Johnson Administration, the forty fourth president of the USA was...
OP-ED “Free Market vs. Big Government” & the 2008 Election
Donkey vs. Elephant” “Democrat vs. Republicans” “Socialism vs. Capitalism” “Free Market vs. Big Government” Free Market? The only time that ever came close to existence...
Op-Ed: Obama…He’s Not Only One of Us
So much emphasis has been put on Barack Obama this presidential election, that if elected, he would be the first black president in the history...
Staying Tuned: 5 Love Lessons Learned from Celebrities
“Everybody knows what I used to be. Now, I'm a man of integrity.” –Usher on love and his marriage Celebrities live in the eye of...
7 Successful Steps for Job-Hunting
Ahhh…New York City! Full of bustling yellow cabs and people thrusting each other during the morning rush with no apologetic excuse me’s. Even New York...
First Date Dos and Don’ts that ALL Men Should Live By
Whether you are back on the dating scene after a long hiatus or out of a brief relationship that lasted shorter than half-time during a...
Reflecting at at time of Loss.
Yesterday, while at work I heard the disturbing news about Tim Russert. The host of ‘Meet the Press’ had suddenly died of a heart attack...
To Have or Not to Have Them Early?
As with anything, the issue of having children early has both pros and cons. It can be claimed that having children early is a plus...
Immigrants-The backbone of this Country?
Ok, so I was moving. Not a very fun thing to do but regardless one that had to be done. Let’s just say not every...
How to Tell if She’s Cheating
Relationships today are not what they used to be. Years ago a woman who cheated on her spouse was unheard of; nowadays more and more...