Melkam Addis Amet
Melkam Addis Amet from the TsehaiNY Team! Click Image Below For A Special New Year Poem graphics:
Kansas Teacher Says Trip to Ethiopia Was Enriching, Adv10,
[caption id="attachment_3175" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="City center of Bahir Dar - Photo: Wikipedia"][/caption] STERLING, Kan. (AP) Sitting atop a specially placed goatskin inside the village leader's...
Little Ethiopia Grows Up
One of D.C.’s biggest immigrant communities steps off the political sidelines. [caption id="attachment_3170" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Dil Belay once supported Adrian Fenty, but now he's all...
Ethiopian airlines to acquire two Boeing 777-200LRs in November
APA-Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) Ethiopian airlines announced on Wednesday that it will acquire two Boeing 777-200LRs in November, making the airline "the first in Africa to...
Ethiopian activists in Facebook protest for Birtukan Mideksa
By Mark Tran, Activists have urged people to change their Facebook profile to that of Birtukan Mideksa, 35, Ethiopa's most prominent political prisoner, for the Ethiopian...
Tri-Cities doctor traveling to Ethiopia to perform eye surgery
From, KNDU-TV: KENNEWICK, Wash.-- An eye doctor from the Tri-Cities is traveling to Ethiopia to perform eye surgery on people who have gone blind from...
Ethiopian-Born Celeberty Chef, Marcus Samuelsson Opens in Harlem
[caption id="attachment_3150" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Marcus Samuelsson near his new Red Rooster Harlem at 310 Lenox Avenue near 125th Street. Photo: Christian Hansen for The New...
Ethiopians in the Bay Area Celebrated Enkutatash
By Laura Hautala, OaklandNorth: Labor Day might mark the end of summer for some, but in Ethiopia, September means the springtime celebration of a new...
In Ethiopia, AU Honors Top African Women Scientists
From, The African Union Scientific Awards, some of which are scheduled to be given later this week (9 September), will be officially renamed at...
Ethiopia to supply power to Sudan beginning October
[caption id="attachment_3118" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Ethiopia to begin exporting hydropower-generated electricity to neighboring Sudan after completion of repair on Gilgel Gibe II power plant."][/caption] APA-Addis Ababa...