Reflecting at at time of Loss.
Yesterday, while at work I heard the disturbing news about Tim Russert. The host of ‘Meet the Press’ had suddenly died of a heart attack...
An Emperor, His Story and The Director Willing to Tell It.
Close to a thousand individuals were on hand to view the first screening in New York City of the documentary titled ‘Man of the Millennium’-An...
Exploiting Dreams and Attempting to Cash In!
America is often referred to as ‘the melting pot’ it is a country where people from all over the world come together. There are also...
Alfa Demmellash: Fighting poverty, starting where she is!
They criticized Oprah when she built schools in South Africa; saying there are plenty of people she can help here in America. I wonder what...
Saving for College: Using the 529 Savings Plan
Children bring joy, smile, and a sense of hope to not only their families but friends and strangers. They are beautiful, infectious, joyful, and could...
Coming to America
In the classic 1988 movie, ‘Coming to America’, Eddie Murphy portrays Akeem, an African prince who is being pressured into a forced marriage by his...